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  • Features
  • Cordless Microphone Amplifier
  • Amplify External audio or signals
  • Mains operated with battery backup
  • Built-in Speaker
  • Audio metering (optional)




Demonstration Amplifier is a compact & portable audio amplifier which responds well to audio frequencies, made specifically for technical students. It is also a very useful instrument for educational institutions for giving demonstrations to students for their indoor & outdoor experiments.
Signals of different audio frequencies can be fed directly to the amplifier input terminals and can hear the audio corresponding to the audio frequencies. The high gain FM wireless microphone operates in 100meters range from the base unit.
Demonstration amplifier provided built-in speaker for lower sound applications and external terminals are provided for louder sounds. Output terminals can directly connect to professional public addressing systems to make more useful to address big gatherings.
Operates on 230VAC and terminals are provided for external12Volt battery